Non-Dischargeable Debts
By Bankruptcy Lawyer in Post St Lucie Jon L Martin, the author of “What Everyone ought to Know about Debt Relief Today!” Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can be a great way to start again with a clean slate. Such procedures will help relieve the burden of debt for those who have gotten in over their heads. […]
Chapter 13 – Don’t Try This at Home!
A recent article in the American bankruptcy Journal shows the success rates of chapter 13’s filed by debtors who filed Chapter 13 without the guidance of a bankruptcy attorney. The difference between those who filed with an attorney and those who didn’t are striking. Moreover, when three other considerations are taken into account, the probabilities of success […]
Financial Mistakes That Lead You to a Bankruptcy Lawyer in Port St Lucie
There is no shame in bankruptcy. That is a point we have tried to emphasis throughout this site. Things happen, and you sometimes need help to get through it. While it is better to file for bankruptcy rather than let debts that you can’t afford to repay pile up, it is even better to not place […]
Bankruptcy Lawyer Port St Lucie – 4 Misconceptions About Credit Card Debt
1. You only need to pay the minimum each month. Your credit–card bill will show the total amount you owe and a minimum payment, typically about 4% of your bill. Paying at least the minimum payment b ythe due date keeps you current and helps your credit score, a key way lenders grade your financial behavior. […]
How to Wreck Your Bankruptcy Claim – Use Facebook
By using Facebook, and other social networking sites, you can look up information on a long lost friend, someone you may be interested in dating, or do some investigating on your daughter’s new boyfriend. This brings up the question, where would you look to find dirt on someone? Would you look in the same places? […]
Bankruptcy Lawyer Port St Lucie – DEBT SETTLEMENT OR BANKRUPTCY?
Increased regulation and enforcement has resulted in a much smaller number of debt settlement companies. Most persuade at least some creditors to forgive at least part of the debt. This usually requires a lump sum payment. Some people experience what they consider to be satisfactory results with debt settlement companies. But they might not feel […]
5 Things Bankruptcy Court Won’t Tell You
Part 2 from a 2 part series of articles 10 Things Bankruptcy Court Won’t Tell You 6. Don’t settle with Mom first or fudge the condo in Boca. Many debtors naturally want to pay back friends and family before filing for bankruptcy. Yet that can be a big mistake. Any money repaid to “insiders”—including relatives, friends and […]
4 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score Quickly After Filing Bankruptcy
1. Damage control. Make sure all the accounts you included in your bankruptcy are listed as such, and show $0 balances if you filed Chapter 7. If a creditor continues to report the account as delinquent –which they shouldn’t- your credit score will suffer.
No Money Down Bankruptcy?
No money down bankruptcy? It is not commonly known that, as many as 70% of Chapter 13’s fail. Because of the limited budget allowance demanded by the Bankruptcy code, unforeseen additional setbacks in the debtors finances forces many Bankruptcy filers to either dismiss their case (in which case they end up right back where they […]
Bankruptcy Lawyer Port St Lucie – Top 3 Reason NOT to Reaffirm a Mortgage in Bankruptcy
1. Truth is, if the lender is not going to report to the credit bureau, the debt to income ration should be minimized by not reaffirming the mortgage. 2. Borrower‘s struggling through a Chapter 13 have a hard time making mortgage payments on time; thus the likely hood of negative information is high if reaffirmed. 3. If not reported, the borrower can name the payment here or there, catch up payment, and pay whatever late fees accrue; all without risking a negative trade line on a credit report.