Financial Mistakes That Lead You to a Bankruptcy
There is no shame in bankruptcy. That is a point we have tried to emphasis throughout this site. Things happen, and you sometimes need help to get through it. While it is better to file for bankruptcy rather than let debts that you can’t afford to repay pile up, it is even better to not […]
Why You Need a Bankruptcy Lawyer Port St Lucie
Over the last several years as a Bankruptcy Lawyer Port St Lucie, I have seen folks struggle against overwhelming odds to keep the bills paid, food on the table for their children, clothes on their back and a roof over their heads. Many soon find themselves cutting back on groceries, medical and dental care to […]
11th Circuit Agrees, Home Surrender is Permanent
Failla v. Citibank, N.A. (In re Failla), 838 F.3rd 1170 (11th Cir. 2016) The 11th Circuit has agreed that once a debtor makes the election to surrender their home on the statement of intention in the petition they cannot then turn around and “undo” the surrender and oppose a foreclosure in state court. The court went so far […]
Small Business Bankruptcy Filings Increase
Small business owners filed 2326 cases under Chapter 13 which represented an increase of 10% from 2015. Thus, closely held businesses, and dba’s that qualified to file chapter 13, mirrored somewhat the Chapter 11 business filings (up 2% at 7,450), and represented the only significant increase in bankruptcy filings for 2016 according to the judicial […]
Outlook on Bankruptcy For 2017
No one knows for sure what the future holds but sometimes it’s good to take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re at now to see if there are indications of what we can expect going forward. Not the least of these is the fact that we have a new administration in Washington […]
What are the different types of bankruptcy?
There are numbers of different chapters that people can utilize in a bankruptcy code. Chapter 7, of course, is for consumers and businesses that wish to liquidate debt. Chapter 13 is generally restricted to consumers who for one reason or another wish to retain certain property, that otherwise, they would not be able to; and allows […]
Hope for Student Loan Relief?
With the start of a New Year and a New Administration in the White House, one has to wonder if there might finally be some progress made in regards to Student Loan Relief that is meaningful through Bankruptcy. After all, President Elect – Trump of all people, should realize the value such relief could bring […]
Protecting an Inheritance In Bankruptcy
Generally speaking bankruptcy and asset protection are not thought of in the same sentence or conversation. Nevertheless, “bankruptcy planning” and “asset protection” all have similar concerns. Basically, these concerns include advanced planning or the positioning of assets; avoidance of claims regarding fraudulent conveyances; fraud; protection of inheritances and other considerations all play important roles in […]
Reasons For And Against Filing Personal Bankruptcy
I enjoy receiving harassing telephone calls from debt collectors at all times of the day. I enjoy when my doorbell rings and I meet another process server or sheriff’s deputy serving me with yet another collection or foreclosure lawsuit.
Why You Need a Bankruptcy Lawyer
Over the last several years as a Florida Bankruptcy Attorney, I have seen folks struggle against overwhelming odds to keep the bills paid, food on the table for their children, clothes on their back and a roof over their heads. Many soon find themselves cutting back on groceries, medical and dental care to maintain impossible […]