
No Money Down?

It is not commonly known that, as many as 70% of Chapter 13’s fail. Because of the limited budget allowance demanded by the Bankruptcy code, unforeseen additional setbacks in the debtors finances forces many Bankruptcy

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Financial Slip-ups to Avoid.

Raiding your 401(k). Don’t think of retirement savings as “now” money. It’s money you’ve got to save for later. “Some people use their IRAs, and wind up in bankruptcy,anyway.” Even if you end up having to use it post bankruptcy, it will go a lot further towards survival of your family after bankruptcy;

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Small Business Bankruptcy Filings Increase

Small business owners filed 2326 cases under Chapter 13 which represented an increase of 10% from 2015. Thus, closely held businesses, and dba’s that qualified to file chapter 13, mirrored somewhat the Chapter 11 business

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Outlook on Bankruptcy For 2017

No one knows for sure what the future holds but sometimes it’s good to take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re at now to see if there are indications of what we

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